Our Services

Video Forensic

Video recordings at times prove to be significant evidences in a case investigation. However, they are often of poor quality and needs to be enhanced to unveil the crucial information recorded in them relevant to the case so as to reveal the truth in civil or legal proceedings.

Video quality of a recording is determined by duly its rate of compression, spatial resolution as well as frame rate (i.e., frames per second). Forensic video enhancement process entails clarifying digital videos/images to make them useful evidence.

The digital forensic experts at the Connectel Security Systems Private Limited (Forensic Division) enhance all kinds of digital videos such as those of mobile phones, dash cam as well as CCTV systems. The digital forensic experts use the specialised software and hardware along with their skill to reveal even the minute details through video enhancement and clarification. The experts analyse, compare and identify individual/object/vehicle in the video evidences.

Other services provided by the digital forensic experts at the Connectel Security Systems Private Limited (Forensic Division) include stabilization of video recordings, i.e., reducing the shaking of camera in case of handheld recordings and producing a video of high resolution from a series of low-quality video frames.

Here at the Connectel Security Systems Private Limited (Forensic Division), the staff of skilled forensic experts are at service which utilize specialized software and hardware tools for forensic analysis. Being the only NABL accredited (Government notified) forensic laboratory in the private sector, we deliver the due quality and credibility in Forensic Examination and Report generation. We maintain proper chain of custody, the observation and results of the forensic analysis of evidence by the forensic expert remains properly documented. The Forensic Examination Report is generated by the forensic expert on the basis of the findings of the forensic analysis.

Being the only NABL accredited (Government notified) forensic laboratory in the private sector, our reports are admissible in the Indian Court of Law in the same category followed by the Government FSL’s who are accredited by NABL Authority. Further, we provide 65B certificate for admissibility of electronic evidence under Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Our forensic experts are skilled and can testify in Indian courts withstanding their Forensic Examination Reports to provide Expert Opinion under Section 45 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

Video recording from a mobile phone, CCTV surveillance or any digital device proves to be crucial digital evidence in the identification of suspect or victim in a case investigation as well as in the validation of testimony of an eyewitness.  It is not only admissible the Court of law but it is also a great tool in truth revelation in a case investigation. However, in order to be admissible in the Court of law as evidence, the video recording need to be authenticated by a forensic expert to verify and authenticate that it is not manipulated or tampered. For the careful forensic analysis and authentication skilled forensic expert and digital tools are required.

The digital forensic experts at the Connectel Security Systems Private Limited (Forensic Division) perform forensic analysis and authenticate all kinds of digital videos such as those of mobile phones, dash cam as well as CCTV systems making them reliable digital evidences. The digital forensic experts use the specialised software and hardware along with their skill to check for any signs of manipulation, alteration or tampering.

The forensic video authentication services at the Connectel Security Systems Private Limited (Forensic Division) may involve enhancing visuals for improving quality and clarity, stabilizing the video as well as isolating or combining the camera footage.

Another area where video recordings make a crucial proof of truth revelation is sting operations. These video evidences also require authentication. Here at the Connectel Security Systems Private Limited (Forensic Division) skilled digital experts also perform forensic analysis and forensic video authentication of digital evidences of such sting operations by making use of specialised software and hardware tools.

Here at the Connectel Security Systems Private Limited (Forensic Division), the staff of skilled forensic experts are at service which utilize specialized software and hardware tools for forensic analysis. Being the only NABL accredited (Government notified) forensic laboratory in the private sector, we deliver the due quality and credibility in Forensic Examination and Report generation. We maintain proper chain of custody, the observation and results of the forensic analysis of evidence by the forensic expert remains properly documented. The Forensic Examination Report is generated by the forensic expert on the basis of the findings of the forensic analysis.

Being the only NABL accredited (Government notified) forensic laboratory in the private sector, our reports are admissible in the Indian Court of Law in the same category followed by the Government FSL’s who are accredited by NABL Authority. Further, we provide 65B certificate for admissibility of electronic evidence under Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Our forensic experts are skilled and can testify in Indian courts withstanding their Forensic Examination Reports to provide Expert Opinion under Section 45 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

With the increasing cases of theft, burglary, accidents and other crimes, CCTVs (Close-Circuit Television) are equipped almost everywhere from grocery shops to even streets for providing video surveillance in order to improve our security. Further, all the governmental and private workplaces as well as homes too are equipped with CCTVs for safety, security and other purposes. CCTV records the crimes and criminals that helps in Crime Scene Investigation as well as in the identification of the perpetrator. However, the video quality of CCTV recording/footage is often of poor quality and hence require enhancement to provide clarity of events. Further, the criminals in order to save themselves from getting caught attempt to manipulate or tamper CCTV recordings. This has paved way for the emergence of CCTV Forensics.

CCTV Forensics deals with the following:

  • CCTV recording/footage enhancement to improve the quality of the footage
  • CCTV event analysis to analyse the series of events as well as track the movement of an individual or establish his/her role in the concerned event.
  • Extraction of audio, video or photograph evidence from CCTV recording/footage for forensic analysis.
  • Facial Mapping to identify an individual by analysing, measuring and mapping his/her unique features.
  • CCTV Video Authenticity to identify whether the CCTV recording has been manipulated or tampered.
  • Digital Data Retrieval restores damaged, deleted or overwritten CCTV video evidence.

The staff of skilled digital forensic experts at the Connectel Security Systems Private Limited (Forensic Division), perform forensic analysis of the CCTV evidences with high-tech digital tools. The digital forensic experts analyse the series of events from the CCTV footage/systems and detect the specific information relevant to the case investigation along with the date and time stamp. CCTV footage is appropriately extracted, reviewed and analysed for any signs of tampering or manipulations to ensure that the CCTV footage/recording is true to its original content thereby authenticating it.

The digital forensic experts at the Connectel Security Systems Private Limited (Forensic Division) are skilled for facial mapping to reveal the identity of an individual in a CCTV footage as well as digital data retrieval in case of damaged, deleted or overwritten CCTV video evidence.

Here at the Connectel Security Systems Private Limited (Forensic Division), the staff of skilled forensic experts are at service which utilize specialized software and hardware tools for forensic analysis. Being the only NABL accredited (Government notified) forensic laboratory in the private sector, we deliver the due quality and credibility in Forensic Examination and Report generation. We maintain proper chain of custody, the observation and results of the forensic analysis of evidence by the forensic expert remains properly documented. The Forensic Examination Report is generated by the forensic expert on the basis of the findings of the forensic analysis.

Being the only NABL accredited (Government notified) forensic laboratory in the private sector, our reports are admissible in the Indian Court of Law in the same category followed by the Government FSL’s who are accredited by NABL Authority. Further, we provide 65B certificate for admissibility of electronic evidence under Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Our forensic experts are skilled and can testify in Indian courts withstanding their Forensic Examination Reports to provide Expert Opinion under Section 45 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

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