The signature of a person is unique to him/her just like fingerprints and DNA. Technically the signature is a part of one’s unique handwriting. Even after the digitalization, every documents still require our signature and for this reason perpetrators tend to forge signatures to defraud the civilians for their malicious intent and monetary gains.
In forensics signature verification test is used to find out if the signature on a document is genuine or forged by someone. Some examples where signature forgery is most prevalent includes bank cheques, agreements, contracts, sale and purchase deeds, receipts, wills, notarized documents, and any other documents which can defraud someone.
In cases of disputed or questioned signature(s) on a document, the question arises that whether the person (victim in a disputed case) alleged to have signed a disputed document have actually made the signature or not?
In order to ascertain that specimen and/or admitted signature samples of the victim (here) are collected, examined and compared with the disputed or questioned signature sample(s) to ascertain whether he/she is the actual writer or not.
With time, the forgers are becoming more trained and utilizes various tools and techniques to forge signatures to defraud the innocents. Although no forged signatures are perfect. They still carry the signs which indicates the forgery. However, these signs are not visible to the naked eyes of a layman. A forensic documents expert utilizes his/her skills and scientific tools to unveil these signs and indications of forgery to bring the ultimate truth out and saves the victim from being defraud.
At Connectel‘s (Forensic Division), Forensic Documents Examination including Forensic Signature Examination isdone with highest credibility and impartiality. Being the first and Only Forensic Science laboratory in private sector accredited by Government of India for ISO / IEC 17025 :2017 Standards acceptable worldwide by all Government and Regulatory bodies we only deliver quality forensic testing. By virtue of this accreditation, we are at par with any other similarly accredited forensic science laboratory in government sector in 107 member countries of ISO and India for report generation capability.
We maintain proper chain of custody at the laboratory from the point of receiving/collection of evidence till the disposal of forensic examination report. The observation and results of the forensic examination of evidence are kept confidential.
Reports generated by our forensic laboratory are admissible in the Indian Court of Law in the same category followed by the Government FSL’s. Further, we provide 65B certificate for admissibility of electronic evidence under Indian Evidence Act, 1872.
Our forensic experts are skilled and can testify in Indian courts to provide Expert Opinion under Section 45 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872.